Mercedes revises the Star, adds "acoustic logo"

UPDATE: We've posted a video bearing the newly sonic star after the jump

It's been 16 years since Mercedes' three-pointed star last got a makeover, so those wacky Germans have decided to mix it up a bit. Those not paying close attention probably wouldn't notice anything different about the classic logo. But look closely and you'll see something missing. Instead of the three-dimensional star used for the last decade and a half seen in the first image, the company will now use a flattened, one-dimensional version on all advertising and promotional materials seen on the CL-Class press kit pic below. The star will be set apart from the Mercedes-Benz name, reflecting the company's internal motto, "The Star always shines from above."

The company has also introduced a new "acoustic logo" that will accompany its broadcast ads. We're not sure how to describe the sound, so here's Mercedes' explanation straight from its press release:

"The Mercedes-Benz sound logo is based on an original recording of an English boys choir from the 1990s. Sound engineers extracted a choir boy's solo vocal from the recording and adapted it for use in the sound logo."

If you ask us, it's spooky as hell and just in time for Halloween.

[Source: Automotive News Europe, sub. req'd]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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