AutobloGreen's photos from Green the Capitol Office's Green Transportation Expo

Yesterday, I went to Green the Capitol Office's Green Transportation Expo which was a block filled with alternative fueled cars and a room with displays from various groups. Major car companies like Toyota and Honda were there as well smaller companies like Miles and Tesla. I saw a Congressman and talked with a good variety of interesting people from a ride share company to a clean diesel group, but the expo was not all that great.

It was only 4 hours long and it was raining. You can see the rain drops on the cars, wet leaves and pavement in the photos in the gallery below. Another strange thing about the expo was company logos were not allowed to be displayed, so if you look closely at the pictures you see blue tape on the cars. A few cars left early but I did get videos of the few people that stayed outside in the light rain.

I talked with Tesla, Miles, a battery company and a converted Prius representative, all of which I will post later today. Until then, enjoy the gallery of photos from the expo below. While the expo was small, short, and it rained; I do think it has potential and I hope they try it again. Even with the rain and cold, I saw several people very interested in the technologies on display.

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