AltCar Expo 2007: Transportation Planning Session

At the Transportation Planning Session panel on Friday morning, the Santa Monica Alt Car Expo gave space for a variety of speakers to expound on the broad challenges confronting transportation planners in the region. While the discussion focuses on how LA can improve, there are a lot of areas in the world that face similar problems, so I thought this would be of interest to quite a few readers.
The panelists included Mary Nichols, chairperson of the California Air Resources Board; Pam O'Connor chairperson of Metro; Mark Pisano, executive director of SCAG; John Boesel, executive director of WestStart/CalStart; Stephanie Negriff from Big Blue Bus; Barry Wallerstein from AQMD; and assemblymember Lloyd Levine. The event was moderated by Craig Perkins, director of environmental and public works for the City of Santa Monica.

In the MP3 file of the talk, I've included each speaker's answer to the "one wish" question (i.e., if you had one wish, how would you fix the transportation here?). It was announced that rest of the presentation will be posted online (I'm not sure where, possibly on the AltCar site), and there should be video up at Unlike the other panels, this one did not use amplified sound, so I thank you in advance for putting up with the only OK recording quality. Give it a listen (22 min).

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