It's Friday: $300,000 car with solar panels in the roof

Our millionaire readers must be upset with the lack of luxury, green cars. Do they have to degrade their standards and settle for the paltry Lexus hybrid? There are many promised green, luxury cars and we are keeping on top of the news but until then, for your consideration, we offer the Maybach 57 and 62. The Maybach has 30 solar cells in the roof that supplies 63 watts of electricity that powers the air conditioning system fan, cooling the car 15 degrees in the hot sun.

Don't confuse the solar panel with liquid crystal sun roof that turns clear at the touch of a button. That's just one of the 2 million equipment options of the $300,000 Maybach. There is a video below the fold with the meeting you must have to configure your car. Check the couch for change and pick one up so you will have something to mention to Al Gore at the Nobel after-party.

[Source: Inside Line]

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