POLL: The year is 2057, what are you driving?

We've spent the entire day showing you all of the entrants for the 2007 Design Challenge, the official winner of which won't be announced until the 2007 LA Auto Show in mid-November. We don't have to wait that long to decide which automaker has the best vision of the future. Vote in the poll below for your favorite Design Challenge entrant you read about today. Your only guideline should be what vehicle you'd want to be driving 50 years from now, and feel free to tell us the reasons behind your choice in the comments.

Check out all the entrants after the jump to make an informed decision.

Audi Virtue Quattro
GM OnStar Ant
Honda 124 Solar Hybrid
Mazda MotoNari RX
Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow
Nissan OneOne
Toyota Biomobile
Volkswagen SlipStream

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