Video game offers sneak peek of Nissan GT-R

It's not like we all don't know exactly what the soon-to-be-debuted Nissan GT-R looks like. Aside from the black cover, a.k.a. the Black Mask, that obscures the car's front clip in every spy shot, the car has been caught completely naked while testing several times.

Still, there could be a few details hiding under the Black Mask that we don't know about. Enter the new driving game for Electronic Arts called Need for Speed: Pro Street. We should all be familiar with the Need for Speed franchise, and the latest installment actually looks really good, with graphics that rival what we've seen in Forza Motorsport 2, the Gran Turismo series and Project Gotham Racing 4, though the latter has yet to be released.

The screen grabs above were taken from a trailer for the game appearing on Supposedly since the game is not set to go on sale until mid-November after the GT-R officially debuts in Tokyo, Nissan gave EA very accurate information on what the production car looks like. If that's true, then there's our missing front end.

Thanks to RedRaj for the tip, who notes the the GT-R can be seen briefly at 2:23 to 2:26.


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