More automakers leading a Second Life

The virtual world Second Life is a virtual dream for marketers, with branding opportunities aplenty. As the online universe has grown, so too has the number of automobile manufacturers with a presence in the "game," for lack of a better term. KZERO is a consulting firm that helps companies study Second Life and other online virtual communities, and in a blog post that's basically shilling a case study they'd like to sell prospective clients, we're given a glimpse at the number of automakers involved in SL. Unsurprisingly, the manufacturer presence has climbed along with Second Life's subscriber base. We've covered some of them in the past -- Renault F1, for example. Click the "Read" link to check out a graph that shows when various automakers jumped on the bandwagon. We'd create SL accounts and investigate the virtual automotive landscape ourselves, but that would take time away from the second life we already lead called "Autoblog." Sigh. We guess that dream vacation on Peugeot Island's never gonna happen.

[Source: KZERO]

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