Photo espionage never looked so good


If Michael Man were to do a film about spy photographers (of the automotive variety) from a script written by Mamet or Soderbergh, this would be it. Called The Illusive and brought to you by the folks at Mercedes, it's about spy photographer trying to get shots of Merc's wares and the Merc "agent" who's thwarting him. It's sultry, it's European, and there's an SLR Roadster in there, an inexplicably angry French waiter, as well as a few goats.

The film is part of Mercedes' branding efforts, in an attempt to draw a younger -- dare we say it -- slicker, crowd. It's a fun watch, and only about a dozen minutes long. Based on what we've heard of spy photography, though, it's not a documentary. We imagine that the folks at KGP, Priddy, Doane and co. wish they retired every evening to swank French restaurants for Chateaubriand and chianti

[Source: Floaded via Motor Authority]

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