Business Week grades Mulally's first year

Alan Mulally took over as Ford's CEO one year ago this month, and some of you may be wondering how he's doing. Business Week magazine says he's doing pretty good, actually, despite a 16% decline in sales last month, a stock price less than the cost of a used CD and the piecemeal selloff of PAG.
BW says Mulally gets an "A" in Profit and Loss for helping Ford earn a $750 million profit in the second quarter, even though the company expects a loss for the this year and next as well.

In Restructuring, Mulally slips to a "B," mostly because BW's author questions the decision to sell Volvo, and speculates that Ford's newish CEO wants badly to shut down the Mercury division. The article says that would be an expensive move that wouldn't be much of a gain for Ford.

As for Product, Mulally earns another "A" for better sharing of platforms and the work Ford is doing with its Australian arm on rear-wheel-drive cars.

Overall, Mulally gets an "A-" average, with his worst grade coming in Personnel, an area where BW says the CEO should at least consider bringing in some high-profile outside talent to round out his management team. We suppose Chrysler would get an "A" in that class.

[Source: Business Week]

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