Lithium powered EV to be built in England

We've already covered the Italian-designed Kurrent built in Michigan by American Electric Vehicle. An English company is preparing to use the same design and build it in Britain. Future Vehicles will produce the Elettrica to take on the popular if easily "compacted" G-Wiz. Unlike the Kurrent, which uses lead gel batteries to achieve a forty mile range, the Elettrica will use lithium ion batteries to bump the range to seventy miles.

As we found out when we toured the AEV factory the Kurrent and
Elettrica use a steel egg-shell cage for extra strength and the Kurrent has even been crash tested. In the wake of crash tests of the G-Wiz, safety will be one the selling points of the Elettrica which will go for £12,750 inc VAT (value-added-tax).
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[Source: Basic Transportation, thanks to Alex for the tip]

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