Honda: bring back the Cub!

Do you remember the Honda Cub? Using only 50ccs of power, this is the vehicle that established Honda as a player in the American market. Long before Honda was making cars, they were turning out little scooters and motorcycles which got excellent gas mileage. In some parts of the world, you can still make your way down to the local Honda dealer and buy a Honda 50 new. Unfortunately, here in the States, this is not the case... leading many to turn to eBay - where Honda 50s, 70s and 90s can be picked up for a pretty decent price. The fact that the vehicles are still road-worthy is a testament to the original design.

Honda should consider bringing back this type of transportation. Back in '03, they showed off a few concepts using the same engine and drivetrain as their original Cub from way back when. The concept of cheap transportation, great gas mileage and high reliability are still very much worth pursuing. Honda: bring back the Cub! Once again, you'd meet the nicest people on a Honda.

[Source: The Scooter Scoop]

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