Daimler deals with Ford to get its name back

The history of Daimler Motor Corp. is very interesting and full of twists and turns. You can read about it here, but the part we're most interested in today starts in 1960. That's when Jaguar obtained the rights to use the Daimler name, and they have continued to use it on top-of-the-line Jaguars in every country but the U.S. since then. The latest Daimler model was the Super 8 introduced in 2005, pictured above.

So here we are in 2007 when DaimlerChrysler no longer wants to be associated with its American half, but Ford owns the rights to the Daimler name. AutomotiveNews (sub. req.) reports the two companies have worked out a deal that will allow both Ford and DaimlerChrysler to use the name Daimler, adding one more twist in the brand's history. No word yet on how much money exchanged hands during the deal, but Automotive News says it was struck before Cerberus agreed to buy Chrysler.

Stay tuned for the next exciting development on "As Daimler Turns," which just might some vocal Germans unhappy about the automaker not using Benz in its name.

[Source: Automotive News - sub. req'd]

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