Kansas now has 21 E85 stations

Following recent additions of gas stations offering E85 in Edwardsville, Overbrook, Parsons, Garnett and Topeka, there are now 21 gas stations in Kansas that will sell you the biofuel, according to the High Plains Journal, which gives the locations of some of these stations in their article. The state's ethanol promotion is covered by the Kansas Corn Commission, and the exact location of the 21 stations are available at ksgrains.com, the Kansas Ethanol Information website.
The HPJ spoke with Kansas Corn Commission Executive Director Jere White, who said that pump ethanol prices have been running between 20 and 60 cents below regular unleaded gas in the past few months and that just two years ago there were just four E85 stations in the state.

"Motorists with flexible fuel vehicles can travel around the state and in most cases will be able to operate on e85 fuel if they wish," White said. So there you have it.

[Source: High Plains Journal, Midwest AG]

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