Bye, bye Auburn Hills? VW may be moving to the East Coast

Volkswagen may or may not be considering moving its operations, in part or entirely, to the East Coast. Washington D.C. or North Carolina are looking far more favorable to VW than its current digs in Auburn Hills, MI. Perhaps VW management thinks it can kick-start some new enthusiasm inside its US operations by heading to a part of the country where it's more appreciated (VW's assorted brands sell best on the coasts) and making space for new blood by leaving behind those unwilling to relocate. Being in a city with a more cosmopolitan perception may help VW entice employees to sign on for US duty, as well as making VW a big fish in its own pond, versus living in the shadow of the domestic brands in Detroit.
More justification for the move could be due to the allure of hanging out in D.C. versus Michigan. That's quite a snub to Auburn Hills, but Michigan residents may get the last laugh, D.C. has a larger crime problem than Auburn Hills. Every time an exec gets mugged, an angel in MI will get its wings. Speculation has been spreading through the company faster than food poisoning on a cruise ship, prompting Audi's US head Johan de Nysschen to blip off an email. In his communication to Audi of America's employees, de Nysschen couldn't really offer specifics to calm people down, but he did go on to say that things will be clearer once new CEO Stefan Jacoby lands on September 1 and initiates a restructuring. There seems to be plenty of desire to not be in Michigan, and in light of de Nysschen's further statement that "reality is not nearly as severe as some of the rumors would suggest," we're eager to see what the next move will be.

[Source: Detroit News]

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