Enzogate update: Dietrich may exist after all

Remember Dietrich? He was the mystery German man Stefan Eriksson first said was driving that Ferrari Enzo last year when it crashed. After Eriksson admitted to being the driver, Eriksson said he must have fabricated Dietrich due to the blackout he suffered after the crash.

Los Angeles County sheriff's officers never doubted the existence of Dietrich, however, and after a 17-month search, they say the mystery German is in custody. Except he's not German, and officials say he was a passenger, not the driver.

L.A. sheriff's office says Trevor Michael Karney is charged with drunk driving, resisting arrest, giving false information to a police officer and, could face federal immigration charges. By the way, the DUI is not connected to the Enzo crash, nor are the resisting arrest or false information charges. The immigration violation could be. Karney disappeared after the Enzo crash and, according to investigators, has been laying low in Ireland until recently sneaking back into the U.S. across the Mexican border.

Sources say Karney was videotaping Eriksson's 162 mph run down PCH before that telephone pole jumped into their lane. Trust us, we have all available manpower scouring YouTube for that video.

[Source: Los Angeles Times]

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