Remember Zap's big announcement? Neither did they!

Earlier in July California based electric vehicle press release manufacturer Zap let us know that they would be making a big announcement about another new car at their annual shareholder meeting. Well the meeting came and went on July 29 at their Santa Rosa CA facility and the usual flurry of press releases failed to materialize. This prompted an e-mail to Zap to see if everything was OK.
They apparently did talk about the portable energy equipment they are selling and the iZap external battery pack for iPods and iPhones. CEO Steve Schneider also talked about the new battery venture with Chinese company Advanced Battery Technologies that we discussed here earlier. What about the wonderful new three wheeler they talked about. Well it has a name now. Alias. That's it. No other information. Nada. But then what did you really expect?

[Source: Zap]

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