Ford's gotta clean house at Highland Park site

In Minneapolis-St. Paul, the big and sad news of the week is the bridge collapse. In another part of the city, Ford is getting ready to sell its Highland Park property. Like any seller, Ford wants to make the site look as good as possible for potential buyers. In this case, Ford has a lot of work to do. According to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, more than 80 years of waste and use have resulted in a lot of spots that need cleaning. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is reviewing a FoMoCo report about closing the plant next year and will give input into what the site can be used for and how much it's worth.
Eighty years ago, Ford was not regulated the way it is today about what it can do to the environment at its plants. While Ford is more than happy to show off it's amazingly green plant in Dearborn these days, the history at Highland Park is a darker shade of green. The consulting firm Ford hired to do the study found 70 areas "that may have been polluted during more than eight decades of operations -- some pre-dating pollution laws and regulations. Contaminants include waste solvents, paint sludges, batteries, gasoline, diesel and other compounds." Read the full details in the Star Tribune.

The good news is that there are lots of cool ways to rehabilitate contaminated sites, including growing crops (which would be too nasty to eat) to make into biofuels.

[Source: Star Tribune / Tom Meersman and Myron P. Medcalf via TTAC and Autoblog]

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