A car so green is edible (well, sort of)

From the UK arrives the Eco One, a one-seater sports car that is almost completely made from vegetable materials. The car was built by student Ben King from a design by Dr Kerry Kirwan, a researcher at the Warwick Manufacturing Group. Kirwan's previous creations include biodegradable cell phones.

The car is 95 percent biodegradable or recyclable (save for the steering wheel, seats and electrics) because even the steel chassis can be reused. It runs on ethanol and, as you can see at the picture, all kinds of vegetable materials were used for manufacturing, including the now-famous hemp for bodywork, something even Ford is considering.

Performance is very good, which in words of its creator "helps dispel the perception that myth that 'green' cars are slow and sluggish": it tops 150 MPH and makes 35 MPG (imperial, around 29 US MPG or 8 l / 100 km)

The car, which cost 20,000 GBP to be made, will be on show at the National Science Museum in London from August 28-30.

[Source: Daily Mail via Gizmodo]

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