Research shows potential for hydrogen "nano-storage"

A research document led by Javier Bermejo, a scientist from the Basque Country University (UPV-EHU) in Spain and published in the Physical Review Letters magazine has shown "promising results" in the use of carbon nanostructures to store compressed hydrogen for automotive uses. The nano-storage units are called "nano-horns" and have a dahlia shape made up from "aggregated nanotubes that look like horns".
The scientists are looking for an non-reactive absorbant able to store 6 kg of hydrogen able to allow 3 minutes to fill up, oriented specifically for automotive use. Research has shown that those "nano-horns" are able to hook the H2 molecules as no other material has been able until now. The neutron spectroscopy showed that the molecules were stable even at low temperatures (as low as 80 ºK, -193.15º or -316 ºF).

Related: [Source: UPV-EHU]

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