The coolest option Saturn Vue didn't get: Opel Antara's Flex-Fix

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We've reported on the Opel Flex-Fix system before. It's the ingeniously cool, fully-integrated bicycle carrier option that made its debut on the Corsa and next appeared on the Antara SUV. Many of us had high hopes that Flex-Fix would survive the translation from Opel Antara to Saturn Vue, but alas, that's not the case. Our understanding is that federal crash regs are responsible, so Americans will need to buy racks or just throw their two-wheelers in the back for the drive to the trail. Too bad, because Flex-Fix is an elegant, innovative solution. On the Antara, it adds €650 to the purchase price. The rack is there for two bikes when you need it, and it's totally hidden in a drawer behind the rear bumper when you don't. Click the gallery below for several new photos showing the Flex-Fix system in use on the Antara, and click on either of the two links above for additional background. What a bummer that this option couldn't make it into the Vue.

[Source: Opel]

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