UK considers lowering its drink-drive limit

According to recent statistics in the UK, there has been an increase in alcohol-related automotive fatalities, causing British legislators to rethink the legally accepted level of alcohol found in the bloodstream. Currently, drivers are cited for drunk drink driving if they have 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of their blood. The government in Britain is considering lowering that number to 50 mg per 100 ml (about a half a pint of the finest lager, dependent on weight), bringing it closer to that of other countries in the EU.
Although several organizations are behind the proposed change, the bigger question is whether or not the current limits are enforced. In the UK, only motorists that have given police cause to pull them over are subjected to DUI testing – that means that no random checks are instituted, nor are DUI check points employed.

If and when this legislation passes, officials expect the UK's rate of drunk drink driving arrests to increase, while alcohol-related fatalities decrease.

[Source: 4Car]

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