Some of last week's pro-biofuel testimony on Capitol Hill

CAFE standards were the big auto-related topics at hearings on Capitol Hill last week. Here's a bit of what American representatives heard.

John Kerry (D-MA) heads the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, which heard from Frederick Smith, chairman, president and CEO of FedEx Corporation (he's also the co-chair of the Energy Security Leadership Council). Smith said that it's good for businesses to reduce their reliance on imported oil by increasing access to domestic oil supply, increasing fuel-economy standards for all vehicles, and promoting alternatives to oil. The ESLC is strongly supporting a 10 mpg increase in the CAFE standards in ten years.

Over in the House Science and Technology Committee, Michael McAdams, executive director of government affairs at Hart Energy Consulting, testified for the Advanced Biofuels Coalition (is this a new group? Google doesn't know anything about them except for one press release, the one announcing McAdams testimony). McAdams "presented a global technology slide and map of where the newer generation technologies were being utilized around the world. The blank space in the United States was not missed by members of the committee."

That Committee also heard from Robert Dinneen, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, Thomas Foust, biofuels research director at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, John Berger, chairman and CEO of Standard Renewable Energy and CEO of BioSelect and David Waskow of Friends of the Earth. Read more here.
[Source: Securing America's Future Energy, California Institute]

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