VIDEO: Skoda's Fabia is so yummy we could just eat it

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Skoda Fabia cake engine This is the ultimate car guy birthday cake. This advert for the Skoda Fabia is designed to hit you in the warm, gooey center. Right away, you're drawn in by dulcet tones from The Sound Of Music that trigger flashbacks to a Generation Y childhood and endless preschool sing-a-longs. Furthering the irresistible pull of the commercial is the fact that they're making cake. Anyone who can turn away from watching bakers at work is just dead inside. It's so much like what we gearheads do - look in the book, follow the instructions using your skills to ensure a proper result. Maybe it's just us wrench-turners who know our way around a kitchen, and are also suckers for confections. Whatever it is, even if it turns out to be subliminal flash frames (doesn't work, btw), the Skoda is so sweet, we want to take one home. Which is the point. Except, we still want it for dessert.

Thanks for the tip, Mr. Pink!

[Source: Skoda]
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