Hubo-Way: A new Segway copy... uh, competitor?


While sales of the Segway are not exactly setting the world on fire or anything like that, one might find it odd that competitors would be springing up. We showed you a possible Sony Segway competitor a while back. And now we bring you the Hubo-Way, which is almost more of a copy of the Segway than anything else. One thing to think about is the high cost of the Segway. Could a device like the Segway sell more copies if it were priced lower? Possibly, but just how large of a market could there be for a device that is really only useful under a handful of scenarios? What I am getting at is that the Segway isn't really a device that most people would consider commuting to work on, is it? I think that the Segway, and other possible competition for it, makes the most sense to business users. Moving around in a warehouse or delivering items in an urban setting might make the most sense; however, the design of the device seems to target the up-market crowd who has some extra spending cash. Could the market bear a lower cost alternative?

[Source: Engadget]

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