Chinese carmakers now doing mashups! Meet the Lexiac RX Torrent


Added more live shots from Autoblog Chinese

click above image to view more pics of the Huanghai Fast NCV, aka Lexiac RX Torrent

Over in Shanghai this week, all the local producers are bringing out their latest wares. By now we've gotten used to seeing Chinese cars that bear remarkable resemblances to products from non-Chinese manufacturers with slight tweaks to (barely) distinguish them. Our crosstown neighbor, Chris Paukert, spotted this vehicle called the Huanghai Fast NCV with a front end that will be familiar to many Pontiac shoppers. However, the rear view of this Janus-like vehicle comes straight from your local Lexus dealer. On the plus side, they did a decent job of blending two different vehicles from different origins. Click either image to see more shots of the Huanghai Fast NCV from Autoblog Chinese.

[Source: Winding Road, Autoblog Chinese]

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