GM's Bob Lutz meets with scientists; both sides butt heads over super ecocar

The Union of Concerned Scientists say the technology to build a highly fuel efficient family vehicle is already available and on the shelf. So Bob Lutz challenged the scientists to show him.
"This is a challenge I want to put out to people who think they have a solution, and are so much smarter than we are," Lutz told the Wall Street Journal, and this quote was repeated in a Detroit News story. "Let them come and see us. If the technology were readily and easily available, what on earth would our motive be for withholding it?"

So the meeting with David Friedman of the UCS was held in Lutz' office, but no one is talking much about what was said. Friedman appeared to be the most frustrated, telling the News that the scientists will "have to build a driveable vehicle" to convince GM that the technology is ready and available. On the other side, Lutz maintains that the scientists don't understand the business, regulatory and consumer issues necessary to sell a car.

[Source: David Shepardson / Detroit News]

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