Chrysler to build new plant in Michigan

With all the news surrounding the possible sale of Chrysler, it's nice to know that the forlorn automaker is still looking to the future and revamping aging production centers.

An announcement is expected later this week regarding a new axle plant that will supposedly be built somewhere northeast of downtown Detroit. The $700 million plant, designed to replace another axle plant in Motown, is expected to be in operation by 2010 and will employ some 900 workers.

Information about the factory comes via the Detroit News, who's union sources indicate that the work rules for the new plant are up for a vote today, while at the same time, the Michigan Economic Growth Authority is mulling over tax incentives for Chrysler. If all goes according to plan, expect an announcement this Wednesday, as Governor Granholm, UAW Pres Ron Gettelfinger and Chrysler's CEO, Tom LaSorda take to the podium.

[Source: Detroit News]

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