Maximum Bob leaks news about Bio-Diesel E-flex in Frankfurt

During an interview at the New York Auto Show last week Bob Lutz let it slip that there would be another concept car based on the E-Flex platform that underpins the Chevy Volt coming out at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September. The fact that the car to be shown in Germany is to use a biodiesel fueled auxiliary power unit should not be news to anyone who was paying attention when the Volt and E-Flex were unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show. The whole premise of E-flex is that it allows for multiple different types of fuel sources to be used for an electrically driven vehicle.

GM even stated at the introduction that there would be other variants that used diesel engines and even batteries only. The Volt was only the first in a series of vehicles, which will be coming out in the next few weeks and months. You won't even have to wait until September to see the next variant. There is a video of the interview after the jump, where Lutz also takes on critics who question their intentions to build vehicles based on E-Flex. If you still think GM isn't serious about building alternative drivetrains, you might want to check out their career fair.

[Source: PodTech via Winding Road]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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