ModernMom reviews cars (and their fuel economy) from a parent's perspective

From the top,'s new auto review section lists a vehicle's name, price, engine and then fuel economy. So it's fair to say that how much it'll cost you to fill up the latest mom taxi is pretty high on the list of factors the site's proprietors expect parents to consider when buying a new car. Not to surprising, especially considering all of the studies we've heard about recently that say exactly that (examples one, two and three).
ModernMom just started the vehicle reviews colum, Mobile Mom, and they'll be coming every two weeks. The site says, the Mobile Mom column "will present auto reviews from a mom's perspective, focusing on the features and options that really matter most to them" and calls fuel economy one of the "essential" parts of the picture.

The first car up on the review driveway is the 2007 Saturn Outlook, which ModernMom founder Lolita Carrico enjoyed as the "anti-minivan mom's dream," and she wrote, "considering it's heft, its fuel economy proved much better than expected (and, according to official data, the Outlook's fuel economy is far better than others in its class)."


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