Ford sales in March will show double digit decline

We usually don't post on monthly sales number aside from our mega By The Numbers post that appears at the beginning of each month, but clearly news that sales at Ford will drop again in March by double digits warrants its own post. Ford's chief sales analyst George Piper told Reuters today that retail sales will fall thanks to weaker demand for the F-150, while fleet sales will continue to drop as expected. Those combined losses will apparently add up to sales that are at least down by 10%, if not more.
Clearly the F-150 is seriously feeling the hurt, as newer competition from GM and Toyota are vying for F-150 customers, and the current weak housing market means construction companies just aren't buying the F-Series like they were last year. The brand's Daily Average Sales Rate fell 15.2% in February and a whopping 25.2 percent in January, and it seems apparent that when automakers report their numbers next Tuesday, Ford will continue the trend.

[Source: Automotive News]

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