Aw Snap! Poll reveals most Germans want speed limit on Autobahn

Three days ago we scoffed at an EU official's suggestion that a speed limit should be applied to the remaining sections of Germany's famous Autobahn that remain free to speed. While reports indicated that speed-loving Germans were up in arms over the idea, a recent poll shows that two in three believe a speed limit should be instituted. Whaa? Conducted by ZDF television, the poll showed that 54% of those surveyed favor an 80 mph speed limit, while 10% would like a limit even lower. There were still around 35% of the respondents, which would thankfully include German Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee if he were polled, who don't want a speed limit at all.

The controversy over speed limits on the Autobahn stems from suggestions that an over excited right foot leads to lots of wasted energy, which obviously ain't too good for the environment. Interestingly, the survey also showed that 56% of those polled think flights should be taxed more because of their negative impact on the environment. Yeah, that's right! Cap our cars, we'll tax your planes!

[Source: Automotive News - sub. req'd]

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