Dirtiest Car Write-In: Woman crashes because garbage jams accelerator pedal

We thought we'd found the filthiest car when we gave away a vacuum last spring, but apparently, Ann Biglan of Massachusetts wasn't going to be passed over again this year. Training hard to win the Dyson, Biglan had crammed her Ford Focus with nearly enough crap to fill a 10-yard dumpster. Perhaps the car was struck by lightning and the decaying organic matter came alive, Johnny Five style. While cruising along in Yarmouth, Massachusetts -- on fairly provincial Cape Cod -- the detritus rebelled. The accelerator and brake pedals were rendered useless as the Focus-turned-refuse-bin rocketed out of a Post Office parking lot, across a freeway careening into a Ford Explorer, backing over a sidewalk and finally coming to rest by smashing a flowerpot in a gas station parking lot. While charged with several violations by the local constabulary, we know that Biglan was just trying to get into top form for this spring's competition. Some athletes are tempted into illegal doping, and true AutoBloggers may also go to extremes, but let this be a lesson to you, dear reader. No Dyson is worth the danger of having your own personal Swamp Thing take over your car and smash it into stuff. Clean that thing up!

Thanks for the tip, Tim!

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Autoblog accepts vehicle loans from auto manufacturers with a tank of gas and sometimes insurance for the purpose of evaluation and editorial content. Like most of the auto news industry, we also sometimes accept travel, lodging and event access for vehicle drive and news coverage opportunities. Our opinions and criticism remain our own — we do not accept sponsored editorial.