Chicago Auto Show: Chrysler Test Ride Video

Click on the photo for a gallery of high-res images of the Chrysler Test Ride

At the Chicago Auto Show, Chrysler has a test ride area set up on the show floor so that visitors can go for a ride through one of three courses where the capabilities of the cars and trucks can be demonstrated. One course is set aside for the trucks and SUVs to simulate going over rough surfaces, steel beams and a thirty-five percent grade hill. There is also a course where the stability control, noise isolation and handled capabilities can be shown off. Autoblog went for a ride and brought along the handy-dandy CVS camcorder, so that if you don't happen to be in Chicago next week, you can experience it anyway. If Cobo Hall was wasn't such a dark confined dump, we might have been able to see this in Detroit as well. The videos are after the jump.

The Chrysler truck test ride video

Dodge Caliber test ride video

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