Need a three-wheeled all-electric speed machine? It's yours for $42,000

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Bored with the looks of the electric vehicles you've seen around? Then feast your eyes on this sliver of a machine, the three-wheeled Silence PT2. Paul Laprade, President of EBW & Silence Inc., sent us these high-resolution photos of the 900 lb. car. The weight is not the only diminutive aspect to the Silence. It's only 13 feet long, six feet wide and four feet high. With a range of 125-250 miles and a top speed of over 125 mph, at least you won't have to worry about much once you're in the car and cruising along.

A partnership between two Canadian companies, EBW (Electric Big Wheel) and T-Rex, Silence Inc. was formed one year ago to basically perform a mash-up. EBW made electric go-karts, T-Rex made high-speed 3-wheelers from motorcycle and formula technology. Put the two together and you've got the Silence PT2, available sometime later this spring. Price with the charger will be around $50,000 CDN (about $42,000 US)

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[Source: Paul Laprade / Silence Inc., hat tip to Manny in the comments]

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