What does WIRED see in our future? A 26 percent chance of hydrogen explosion

It's a little easier to see in the print version than online, but since it's a not practical to let each and every one of you borrow my copy of this month's WIRED (although I would, if y'all wanted to chip in for a serious postage fee), I point you to the latest Found: Artifacts from the Future section. The magazine's back page humor/thought-provoking section gives WIRED contributors a space to guess what sort of technologies might be coming our way in the near or distant future. This month, they see on-the-spot traffic stop trials, but my eye caught a line of small type that explains what Mr. Ben Spencer is guilty of (besides going 375 mph in a 170 zone): he missed his last fuel cell inspection, which has created a risk of explosion of 26 percent. Also, Spencer is driving a Mustang Classique Hydrogen Hover ZEV. Can't wait to see what that looks like.

The text in the print edition is bigger than that on my laptop screen, but looking at the online version makes me realize that the paper edition cut off one of the jokes. In the infrared mirror, we learn that objects here are not visible to the naked eye.

[Source: WIRED]

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