Portland's adult soapbox derby - "Alternative Transportation" is officially defined - Gallery included


We have a section entitled "Alternative Transportation". Therefore, since you cannot possibly get much more alternative than this, and it is in fact a method of transportation, I have decided that this story qualifies for our site. That, and it is so awesome that it just had to be shown. There are a total of 489 pictures for your viewing pleasure on their official site just for 2006, but I have selected a few prime examples that just have to be seen. Some of these gravity racers are amazing for their mechanicals, some are amazing for their thoughtful design, and some are amazing that the entrants did not perish while riding them. See for yourself. Check out our gallery of some favorites.

From the site: "Once a year a brave group of racers convene on the daunting slopes of Mt.Tabor to test their metal and their mettle. These pages are dedicated to all those who have spilled their blood, or even worse, spilled their Blue Ribbon."

I can't put it much better than that, so I better not try.


[Source: Portland Adult Soapbox Derby]

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