Windshield reflects sun -> cools car -> reduces aircon -> improves mpg!

Picture the scene - its a stinking hot day and you're glad the windows are up and the air conditioner is on. But what setting do you have the chill on? You know in the long run that it all adds up to more fuel burnt and money spent if that bad boy's set to deep freeze.

PPG Industries looks to have a new marketing campaign on their hands with the claim that their Sungate infrared (IR) reflective windshields keep cars cooler which increases vehicle fuel efficiency up to two to four percent. Two to four percent, or $66 per year saved in petrol, multiplied by every vehicle on the road and now you're talking about real money and a lot of oil. The Sungate IR-reflective windshield reflects about 50 percent of the sun's infrared energy which could see a reduction in air conditioning use of up to 20 percent.

Analysis: If I didn't burn my hands on the steering wheel when I hopped into my car on a hot day, I'd already be happy. If I avoided needing to use my air conditioning simply by keeping the vehicle cooler in the first place, then everyone wins.

[Source: PPG Industries]

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