Striking a chord: Panasonic and Fender planning branded car audio system

Fender guitars rock. Even the cheapies are easy to play and sound good in the right hands. Panasonic and Fender are teaming up to create an audio system that will be offered to auto manufacturers. Nigel and Slash have already been snagged by Volkswagen with their First Act package deal (buy a VW, they throw in the guitar that plugs into the car's audio system). We're guessing that the pitch for the Fender/Panasonic system will be along the same lines, though; and aimed at the younger demographic. The working partnership of Fender and Panasonic even trotted out Dick Dale at the NAIAS to promote their idea. Hey, in the right car, this could be magic. You could turn all that traffic-jam time into productive practice! Campers would no longer have to settle for singing "Blowin' In The Wind." With a guitar-enabled audio system, you could, as Bob Dylan told his band at Newport, "play f***ing loud."

[Source: Edmunds]

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