Engine wars! Ford sues International

For those of you plagued with the apparent injector problems on your 6-liter PowerStroke V8, you'll be pleased to know that Ford isn't taking any guff from the engine's supplier, International Truck and Engine Corp.

We won't bore you with all the details, but the short and sweet of this particular legal fight is Ford's assertion that International is trying to rip them off, price-wise, on the new 6.4-liter diesel that the company is supplying them, and that International still owes Ford upwards of $500 million because of engine problems reported by some 12,000 customers of the former diesel-powered, F-series pickup.

No matter, Automotive News contends that your next Ford Super Duty will still arrive this spring at a dealership near you.

[Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req., Forbes]

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