Accord Diesel in, Accord Hybrid out

Hybrids have now been hyped up beyond their own capabilities, so we find ourselves eagerly anticipating the comeback of the diesel engine. Volkswagen is sure to be one of the big diesel players in the beginning, having just announced its new TDI engine yesterday. But it looks like Honda might be in an even better position to bring oil burners back. Peter Nunn, Winding Road's roving reporter embedded on the isel of Nipon, claims that Honda's first diesel application in the Accord sedan will replace the Accord Hybrid sedan when it goes on sale around 2009.
The diesel in question will be an ultra clean 2.2 - 2.4L four-cylinder able to meet the toughest emissions standards in the world, i.e. California's Tier II / Bin 5 standard. Nunn reports that the Accord Hybrid will be "quietly retired" upon the arrival of the four-cylinder Accord Diesel, which should be able to handily trounce the outgoing hot-rod V6 hybrid in fuel mileage at the same time delivering decent get up and go. For those wanting more power, Honda is also planning a diesel V6 that will first be used in the Ridgeline before being disseminated across the lineup in its vans and SUVs.

Honda's enthusiasm for diesels is exactly the kind of support this old yet new again technology needs to get back on its feet in the U.S. Honda's aggressive R&D dept. is no doubt developing diesel engines that will change many a mind when it comes time to choose a new a green vehicle.

[Source: Winding Road]

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