UConn will host biofuel symposium in January

The University of Connecticut will host a biofuels symposium in early January dedicated to "Policy, Opportunities and Science."

Invited speakers include: Larry Smart of SUNY-New York, Dean Joseph Helble of Dartmouth College, Frank Preli of UTC Power and Governor M. Jodi Rell and Congressman John Larson (but those last two have a big "tentative" behind their names on the symposium flyer).

"Policy, Opportunities and Science" breaks down for the UConn crowd to sessions on policy and regulations, industrial and business opportunities, agriculture as a source of biofuel biofuelchemistry and engineering.
The all-day event will take place in the Lewis B. Rome Commons on South Campus at the University of Connecticut, Storrs from 8:30 to 4:30 on January 11th (or the 12th, if it snows too heavily). The cost for students is only $20, but outsiders will have to cough up $50 to attend.

The UConn Biofuel Consortium, made up of students and professors in various departments, is organizing the event. The group's mission is "to advance UConn's biodiesel research initiative for the greater good of the environment, and to help our nation gain energy independence."

Any AutoblogGreen readers thinking of attending? If so, send us a report.

[Source: University of Connecticut Biofuel Consortium]

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