Autoblog's #3 Most-Read Post of the Year

Our countdown of the most-read posts of the year on Autoblog continues with the No. 3 most popular post. You may remember last January at the 2006 North American International Auto Show when the Dodge Challenger Concept debuted. You all narrowly voted it the winner in our Pony Poll, and you came back again and again to view this post titled simply, "Dodge Challenger Concept - Photo Gallery." In fact, this simple gallery post was viewed 276,348 times over the course of the year.

On account of posts like this, we quickly understood that readers like photos a lot, and made it our mission to give you galleries of them any way we could. For most of the year we cobbled together galleries until Santa gave us a brand new photo gallery feature for Christmas. You can check out all the galleries we have now by clicking here. They feature full-sized, high-resolution pictures at 1,280 pixels wide, so feel free to peruse them and choose your next desktop wallpaper.

The list so far:
Autoblog's #5 Most-Read Post of the Year
Autoblog's #4 Most-Read Post of the Year

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