#2 not good enough for Toyota?

Apparently moving ahead of Ford isn't going to be good enough for Toyota. With their latest global projection of 9.42-million vehicles planned for 2007, it's looking more likely they might catch General Motors to become the world's No. 1 auto maker. For 2008, they will be teaming with the Klingons to challenge for interstellar domination. The 2007 guesstimate represents a 4% bump over this year's total, putting them well ahead the 9.2 million vehicles GM is reporting for this year. Of course, with some hot new products in the pipeline, GM can surely see a similar increase over this year's figures as well.
The problems that have plagued GM over the past few years seem to be resolving themselves, but Toyota is so strong right now, it could be a close fight. Ford is already resigned to being number 3, even with a slew of new products in the mix. Rather than seeing this as more bad news for the domestics, think of it as a realization of the new global reality and the fact that a slimmer GM and Ford might be able to return to profitablility even while giving up market share.

[Source: Globe Investor]

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