Well, isn't this homemade scooter contraption an odd way of saving gas?


You know that around here we are all for saving fuel. We all have probably read various articles on scooting to save on money, emissions or both. In fact, I ride a motorcycle quite often in the summer months to help out a bit myself. But, there is such a thing as taking it too far. Sometimes, motorcycles or scooters just don't fit into our lifestyle. So, what should we do? One enterprising man in South Korea decided to do his part, and he built his own vehicle (I think) from a scooter, a cart and some other ... stuff.

Just for the record, this is not a doctored photo, and no, it was not set up. This is for real folks. I am not sure how he is able to control the vehicle from up there, or how it meets road-worthiness standards. I just thought I would share. Seriously, though, if you ever were to try something like this, make it more like the one in the link under "Related".


[Source: thescooterscoop.com]

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