China becomes part of FutureGen alliance

The FutureGen alliance is a public-private partnership to develop an integrated coal fired power plant that also produces hydrogen and features carbon sequestration. President Bush announced plans to fund a $1 billion, ten-year project to build a demonstration plant in 2003. Since then South Korea and now China have also joined the alliance. The plant is expected to be the world's first zero-emissions fossil fuel powered plant thanks to the sequestration.
The intent is provide clean energy from coal since it so readily available and cheap. As part of the agreement, China and the US also signed an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Protocol to cooperate on clean technologies like wind, solar and biomass. The 275 MW prototype plant is expected to go online in 2012. Initially ninety percent of the carbon dioxide produced by the plant is expected to be captured, and that percentage will rise to one hundred percent as new technologies are added.

[Source: Department of Energy via GreenCarCongress]

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