Re-Vote! Jeep Wrangler accidentally left off TOTY balloting

Due to an egregious omission of the 2007 Jeep Wrangler on the ballot for the 2007 North American Truck of the Year Award, jurors are being asked to revote for finalists of the honor that's traditionally bestowed upon the most deserving truck at the beginning of the Detroit Auto Show. Voting officially closed for the truck award on December 6th, but jurors now have until next Tuesday, December 19th, to revote. According to Automotive News, jurors have 25 points to distribute among the candidates, the maximum a vehicle can get is 10 and only one score of 10 can be awarded.

The Chevy Silverado, Ford Edge and Mazda CX-7 have already been chosen as finalists, and if the Wrangler finishes among the top three in the revote, it wlll become the fourth finalist.

Unfortunately Automotive News didn't find out the reason why the Jeep Wrangler was left off the ballot, so we can only suspect a vast right wing conspiracy as the root cause (j/k). Regardless, we should find out whether or not the Wrangle makes the cut before the awards are announced and presented on January 7th at the beginning of the Media Preview days of the 2007 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

[Source: Automotive News]

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