Autoblog Podcast #49

Autoblog Podcast #49 is now available and hardly anything was on our minds except reactions to the LA Auto Show. Somehow we find time to talk about nearly every production vehicle and concept that was introduced at the show, as well as mull the idea of the new LA Auto Show becoming a Detroit show killer (hint: not gonna happen). The last bit of news we covered not auto show related was the rumor that Lexus will begin a new performance division that produces cars carrying an 'F' badge. It's a good show, thanks for listening and don't forget we're relaunching the Autoblog Podcast on the next episode, which is our 50th! There will be promotional giveaways involved to commemorate the difficult journey to episode #50 and celebrate our new sound, so make sure you're subscribed to the podcast at iTunes so you don't miss it.
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John Neff, Damon Lavrinc and Alex Nunez

Dan Roth


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