Don't let the door hitcha? - Investors call for spin-off of Chrysler

There have been rumblings of late in the halls of Stuttgart that the boys in Auburn Hills are an albatross around the neck of DCX. Dieter Zetsche and company are reportedly in it for the long haul and fighting the good fight for Chrysler, but investors cite thin patience while waiting for a profit. Rumors of potential suitors waiting in the wings abound, but it seems that the real problem would be salability due to large pension commitments. Some have gone as far as speculating that even if Chrysler were to be put on the block, nobody would buy them. Of course, some of this situation seems to have been brought on by feeble cross-pollination, far below what was bandied about at the time of the 1998 merger. Sure, Chrysler got the old E Class platform to go play with, and the first-gen SLK is holding up the Crossfire, but there hasn't been any technology transfer from the smaller Mercedes vehicles to help DCX build a small car that's killer, or from their world-class truck division. One wonders if Chrysler's actually in the worst shape of the big three, but hiding it well. Are we in for a replay of the early '80s?

[Source: Reuters via Automotive News - Sub. Required]

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