Teaching biodiesel? Girl Mark is here to help

Maria "Girl Mark" Alovert is a dedicated biodiesel advocate, and her biodiesel homebrew classes are certainly in demand. To help people help themselves, she recently started up a new Yahoo! group specifically for educators (at schools or museums or camps or wherever) who want more information on teaching biodiesel curriculum. The list is meant to be low-volume and designed to help teachers coordinate their projects and documentation.

Mark started the list a week ago but has already found interested teachers from around North America who have contributed documents, like a PowerPoint slideshow on biodiesel designed for 4th graders. Right now, Mark is looking for a co-moderator, preferably someone who works with kids with an interest in biofuels, to help run the site. You can check out the group here.

[Source: Biodiesel in Schools Yahoo! group]

UPDATE: Girl Mark said she's not really responsible for "starting" the group. It just sort of grew out of an idea the New Jersey science teacher Dan Smith.

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