Honda's environmental report notes higher CAFE numbers

Honda raised its industry-leading CAFE numbers for model year 2005, according to the company's second annual North American Environmental Report. It covers the company's operations from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006 (fiscal year 2006), and showcases Honda's effors to reduce its environmental footprint in North America. Honda's CAFE is now 29.2 mpg. Every Honda vehicle assembled in the North America has achieved 90 percent or greater recyclability. Outside of cars, Honda expanded its 4-stroke technology to all its power-sports motors to meet California emissions standards. Also, all 13 of Honda's major North American manufacturing plants were certified to the ISO 14001 environmental management standard. The company admitted that CO2 emissions increased due to increased production activity, but energy used per auto manufactured decreased. The full report can be viewed at the company Web site.
[Source: Honda via The Auto Channel]

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